10 Mobil Terlaris di Indonesia Tahun 2022 Versi Gaikindo, Avanza kah sesuai dengan Tebakan Kamu Sobat?

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10 Mobil Terlaris 2022 - Rasanya tahun 2022 akan segera selesai dan berganti dengan tahun baru 2023 dan dengan warna dan cerita yang berbeda. Dunia otomotif juga akan sama halnya dengan pergantian tahun ke 2023 bakalan ada banyak mobil motor dan kendaraan yang siap diluncurkan ke pasar. Mobil Listrik sekarang sedang mendominasi trend seperti Tesla Model dan Hyundai Kona electrik. diikuti oleh banyak mobil mobil bagus dan keren lainnya. Nah mari kita simak sejauh apa sebenarnya tahun 2022 di sektor otomotif.

It feels like 2022 is about to be finished and replaced with the new year 2023 and with different colors and stories. The automotive world will also be the same as the turn of the year to 2023 there will be many motorcycles and vehicles ready to be launched into the market. Electric Cars are now dominating trends such as the Tesla Model and Hyundai Kona. followed by many other nice and cool car cars. So let's look at how far 2022 actually goes in the automotive sector.

Penjualan Mobil Terlaris 2022
Penjualan Mobil Terlaris 2022

www.marchelloka.com - Kita masih ingat betul dengan pandemi Covid-19 yang menggebuk pasaran dan melemahnya ekonomi dunia, tidak pada indonesia saja namun dampak luar biasa juga dirasakan di berbagai negara apalagi di sektor otomotif. Lesu pasarnya dan beberapa perusahaan melakukan pemecatan karyawannya. 

Terlepas dari semua itu tentu kita tidak boleh lengah, para pabrikan mobil maupun motor langsung siap mendobrak pasar manakala usai pandemi, dan di 2022 ini lah sangat terasa angin pasar otomotif dengan mobil mobil baru.

We still remember very well the Covid-19 pandemic that hit the market and the weakening of the world economy, not only on Indonesia but also the extraordinary impact was also felt in various countries, especially in the automotive sector. The market was sluggish and some companies fired their employees. 

Apart from all that, of course, we must not let our guard down, car and motorcycle manufacturers are immediately ready to break the market after the pandemic, and in 2022 this is the wind of the automotive market with new cars.

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Apakah Anda salah satu yang membeli mobil pada tahun 2022 ? Nah kami akan berbagi data mengenai mobil yang terjual pada tahun 2022 meskipun data ini cut off pada bulan Juni kemarin. Namun menjadi acuan pada 2022 merek apakah yang sudah bertengger dan mempunyai nominasi baru. Untuk periode semester kedua yang cut off pada bulan Desember belum bisa di rilis data penjualannya baik retail maupun Whole sales.

Penjualan mobil secara retail adalah dengan menjual langsung kepada konsumen dari dealer atau showroom. Sedang whole sales adalah data penjualan yang diinput berdasarkan barang yang keluar dari pabrikan dan masuk kepada dealer dalam jumlah unit yang lebih besar.

Mari kita simak bersama di bawah ini merupakan 10 Mobil terlaris pada tahun 2022

10 merek mobil terlaris 2022

No Whole sales Retail sales
1. Toyota: 149.461 unit Toyota: 146.202 unit
2. Daihatsu: 90.343 unit Daihatsu: 90.765 unit
3. Honda: 62.585 unit Mitsubishi Motors: 55.687 unit
4. Mitsubishi Motors: 51.296 unit  Honda: 53.910 unit
5. Suzuki: 41.413 unit Suzuki: 41.060 unit
6. Isuzu: 17.229 unit Mitsubishi Fuso: 17.431 unit
7. Mitsubishi Fuso: 15.799 unit Isuzu: 14.956 unit
8. Hino: 12.426 unit Hino: 12.585 unit
9. Hyundai: 11.282 unit Wuling: 10.721 unit
10. Wuling: 11.261 unit Hyundai: 9.429 unit

Honda Civic Type R
Honda Civic Type R

Car sales in Indonesia throughout June 2022 increased. Citing distribution data from the Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries (GAIKINDO) in June 2022, overall sales reached 79,168 units, while retail sales were 83,573 units. Cumulatively throughout the first half of 2022, there have been 465,252 units of new cars circulating on the streets of Indonesia.

This achievement is better than the achievement in the same period in 2021. At that time, from January to June 2021, retail car sales only touched 387,844 units. Toyota is still the biggest contributor to sales. In retail, Toyota car sales during the first six months of 2022 have reached 146,202 units with a market share of 31.4 percent.

Under Toyota is Daihatsu with retail sales reaching 90,765 units or 19.5 percent of all cars sold in the country. Mitsubishi Motors finished third with 55,687 units during January-June.

The competition between Hyundai and Wuling is still fierce. In terms of retail sales, Wuling is superior with 10,721 units. Hyundai is one rank below it with 9,429 units. Then in wholesale, Hyundai is narrowly ahead with 11,282 units. The two were later seen 'chasking' in terms of car sales in Indonesia.

Gaikindo itself for this year targets car sales in Indonesia this year to reach 900 thousand units. The target was determined by considering the development of the Covid-19 virus. Especially since the beginning of the year the Omicron variant has been widespread. The target has actually increased compared to last year by 750 thousand units. 

This is information about car sales data for January 2022 to June. Based on Gaikindo which records the overall number of cars at each dealer or related car headquarters. The 2nd semester data will be published immediately if you have received information from the relevant page.

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# mobil terlaris

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