One Piece Chapter 1064 - Luffy Gear 5 vs Lucci awakening Zoan. Awakening Lucci berbentuk seperti kucing besar berukuran seperti Monster Point dan seperti kekuatan Who's Who.
Luffy Gear 5 vs Lucci awakening Zoan. Awakening Lucci is shaped like a big cat sized like Monster Point and like the power of Who's Who
One Piece 1069 Spoiler | - Di New Marineford, Akainu menahan Kizaru untuk tidak pergi ke Egghead.
- Pertarungan mereka seperti adegan Tom and Jerry
- Luffy mendominasi dan membuat Lucci gentar.
- Luffy mengalahkan Lucci dengan mudah, namun dia bangun di akhir chapter karena regenerasi Zoan nya.
- Ada informasi soal Buah Iblis secara umum di chapter ini
- Kaku ingin meminta bantuan, karna Lawan mereka itu Sekelas Yonko! Tapi Lucci mengabaikan dan terus bertarung dengan luffy
- Cp0 melawan seraphims, karena sentomaru mengutus mereka war melawan cp0
- Terjadi perebutan Kekuasaan memerintah Seraphims ( pihak Sentomaru atau Cp0) sehingga cp0 berniat merusak sistim Komunikasi Dengan mereka ( Seraphims) di egghead
- info Buah Nika tidak tercantum dalam buku katalog Buah iblis
- Lucci ingin pergi saja dari Egghead. Karna merasa buruk sekali Dalam duel, Power Luffy parah sekali.
Spoiler 1069 One Piece
- In New Marineford, Akainu keeps Kizaru from going to Egghead.
- Their fights are like Tom and Jerry scenes
- Luffy dominates and makes Lucci daunted.
- Luffy defeated Lucci easily, but he woke up at the end of the chapter due to his Zoan regeneration.
- There is information about Devil Fruits in general in this chapter
- Kaku wants to ask for help, because their opponent is a Yonko! But Lucci ignores and continues to fight with Luffy
- Cp0 against seraphims, because sentomaru sends them war against cp0
- There was a power struggle in charge of seraphims ( Sentomaru or Cp0 parties) so that cp0 intended to undermine the system of Communication With them ( Seraphims) at egghead
- Nika Fruit info is not listed in the devil's Fruit catalog book
- Lucci wants to just get away from Egghead. Because he feels so bad In the duel, Luffy's power is terrible.
Sentomaru |
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Chapter 1.069: "Segala sesuatu ada karena suatu alasan".
Di sampulnya, kita melihat flashback dalam sebuah kapal. Itu adalah "Pusat Penelitian MADS" yang dibiayai oleh "Dewa Keberuntungan" Du Feld
Lucci mencoba menyerang Luffy. Kaku dan Stussy menghentikan Lucci dengan mengatakan bahwa mereka perlu mendapatkan izin dari Marinir untuk melawan Yonkou, karena pertarungan apa pun dapat menyebabkan perang. Luffy melihat Atlas rusak parah, jadi dia menyerang Lucci terlebih dahulu.
Ke Akainu di Markas Marine, dia bertanya di mana Kizaru berada. Seorang Marinir melaporkan bahwa Kizaru sudah berangkat ke Pulau Egghead.
Kembali ke Pulau Egghead, Luffy dan Lucci bertarung. Luffy menggunakan Gear 5th dan Lucci menggunakan wujud awakening. Wujud Lucci sangat mirip dengan wujud hybridnya yang ramping. Bulu hitam Lucci sekarang terlihat seperti api/awan hitam. Dia memiliki awan uap yang terlalu hitam mengambang di lehernya (mirip dengan Luffy di Gear 4th/Gear 5th).
Sentomaru muncul dengan S-Snake, S-Hawk dan S-Shark. Seraphim tidak bisa diperintah menggunakan Den Den Mushi, jadi Sentoumaru harus ada bersama mereka untuk memberi perintah. "Tingkat otoritas" untuk memerintah Seraphim adalah: Gorousei -> Vegapunk -> Sentoumaru -> Siapa pun yang memegang "chip perintah" (CPO memilikinya sekarang).
Sentomaru memerintahkan S-Bear untuk menyerang CPO. Jinbe dan Chopper berlari membawa Bonney, mereka bertemu dengan Seraphim. Jinbe kaget saat melihat S-Shark. Kaku dan Stussy sibuk menghindari serangan S-Bear, mereka tidak mau melawan dan merusak Seraphim.
Grup Nami sedang menonton apa yang terjadi di monitor. Mereka tercengang melihat Gear 5th milik Luffy. Vegapunk asli muncul di hadapan mereka, mata Franky berubah menjadi hati saat mengetahui bahwa lelaki tua ini adalah Vegapunk asli.
Vegapunk bertanya kepada kru Topi Jerami apa bentuk baru Luffy. Nami menjawab mereka juga tidak tahu tapi dia pikir itu harus menjadi kekuatan "Gomu Gomu no Mi" yang baru. Vegapunk mengatakan "Gomu Gomu no Mi" tidak pernah tercatat di buku "Ensiklopedia Buah Iblis".
Vegapunk mengatakan wujud baru Luffy terlihat seperti Nika, dewa yang hanya bisa ditemukan di teks kuno.
Vegapunk mengatakan mungkin nama Nika sudah terhapus dari sejarah, tapi selama orang terus mendoakannya, keberadaan Nika tidak akan pernah hilang.
Vegapunk mengatakan bahwa segala sesuatu di Bumi lahir dari keinginan manusia, dan hal yang sama juga berlaku untuk Buah Iblis. Buah Iblis adalah kemungkinan evolusi manusia yang diinginkan seseorang. Setiap kemampuan mewakili keinginan seseorang akan menjadi apa mereka nantinya.
Karena keinginan itu sangat tidak wajar, mereka dibenci oleh laut, yang merupakan "Ibu Alam". Itu sebabnya kelemahan Akuma no Mi adalah air laut. Semua pengguna kemampuan yang menanggung kutukan itu, pada dasarnya hidup di masa depan yang pernah diinginkan seseorang. Nami dan kru Topi Jerami tertegun.
Vegapunk Asli: "Bukankah dunia ini sangat menyenangkan?"
Potong ke Luffy Vs. Lucci lagi, mereka bentrok. Luffy tersenyum dan tertawa sepanjang waktu, dia melompat-lompat bersenang-senang sambil menghindari serangan Lucci. Luffy menggunakan serangan baru bernama "Gomu Gomu no Mogura" (Gum-Gum Mole). Dia mengubah lantai menjadi kepalan yang meninju perut Lucci, membuatnya muntah darah dan menghempaskannya.
Luffy berhenti ketika dia melihat Sentomaru. Luffy menyapa Sentomaru dan berbicara ramah dengannya saat dia melompat-lompat. Dulu nya Sentomaru dijemput oleh Vegapunk dan dia dibebaskan dari kehidupannya yang miskin, jadi dia berhutang banyak pada Vegapunk. Karena itulah Sentomaru memilih bertarung melawan CPO.
Sentomaru meminta sesuatu pada Luffy.
Sentomaru: "Hei Topi Jerami, tolong bawa pergi Vegapunk bersamamu!!"
Lucci pulih saat Luffy dan Sentomaru sedang berbicara. Lucci menggunakan "Soru" untuk menyerang dengan ganas dan menyerang Sentomaru dengan "Shugan" (Pistol Tangan). Sentomaru terluka parah.
Lucci: "Yang perlu kita lakukan hanyalah melenyapkan komandan. Seraphim, patuhi perintah kita!!"
Luffy kaget dan marah.
Luffy: "Pria kapak!!"
END, Next Break
Chapter 1.069: "Everything exists for a reason".
On the cover, we see flashbacks in a ship. It was the "MADS Research Center" financed by Du Feld's "God of Fortune"
Lucci tries to attack Luffy. Kaku and Stussy stop Lucci by saying that they need to get permission from the Marines to fight the Yonkou, as any fight could lead to war. Luffy saw that Atlas was badly damaged, so he attacked Lucci first.
To Akainu at the Marine Headquarters, he asked where Kizaru was. A Marine reported that Kizaru had already left for Egghead Island.
Back on Egghead Island, Luffy and Lucci fight. Luffy uses Gear 5th and Lucci uses awakening. Lucci's form is very similar to his slender hybrid form. Lucci's black feathers now look like black flames/clouds. He has an overly black cloud of steam floating around his neck (similar to Luffy in Gear 4th/Gear 5th).
Sentomaru appears with S-Snake, S-Hawk and S-Shark. Seraphim cannot be ruled using Den Den Mushi, so Sentoumaru must be with them to give orders. The "levels of authority" to rule the Seraphim are: Gorousei -> Vegapunk -> Sentoumaru -> Whoever holds the "command chip" (CPO has it now).
Sentomaru orders the S-Bear to attack CPO. Jinbe and Chopper run over with Bonney, they run into Seraphim. Jinbe was shocked when he saw S-Shark. Kaku and Stussy were busy dodging S-Bear's attack, they were unwilling to resist and damaged Seraphim.
Nami's group is watching what is happening on the monitor. They were stunned to see Luffy's Gear 5th. The real Vegapunk appeared before them, Franky's eyes turned to heart when he learned that this old man was the real Vegapunk.
Vegapunk asked the Straw Hat crew what Luffy's new form was. Nami replied they didn't know either but she thought it should be the new "Gomu Gomu no Mi" power. Vegapunk says "Gomu Gomu no Mi" was never recorded in the "Encyclopedia of Devil Fruits" books.
Vegapunk said Luffy's new form looks like Nika, a god that can only be found in ancient texts.
Vegapunk said maybe Nika's name has been erased from history, but as long as people continue to pray for her, Nika's existence will never disappear.
Vegapunk said that everything on Earth is born of human desire, and the same is true for Devil Fruits. Devil Fruit is the possibility of human evolution that a person wants. Each ability represents a person's desires of what they will become.
Because the desire is so unnatural, they are hated by the sea, which is the "Mother Nature". That's why the weakness of Akuma no Mi is sea water. All the ability users who bear that curse, basically live in the future that someone once wanted. Nami and the Straw Hat crew were stunned.
Original Vegapunk: "Isn't this world very fun?"
Cut to Luffy Vs. Lucci again, they clashed. Luffy smiled and laughed all the time, he jumped up and down having fun while dodging Lucci's attacks. Luffy uses a new attack called "Gomu Gomu no Mogura" (Gum-Gum Mole). He turned the floor into a fist that punched Lucci in the stomach, making her vomit blood and blow her away.
Luffy stopped when he saw Sentomaru. Luffy greets Sentomaru and talks kindly with him as he jumps up and down. Sentomaru used to be picked up by Vegapunk and he was freed from his poor life, so he owed Vegapunk a lot. That's why Sentomaru chose to fight against CPO.
Sentomaru asked Luffy for something.
Sentomaru: "Hey Straw Hats, please take Vegapunk away with you!!"
Lucci recovered as Luffy and Sentomaru were talking. Lucci uses "Soru" to attack fiercely and attacks Sentomaru with "Shugan" (Hand Gun). Sentomaru was seriously injured.
Lucci: "All we need to do is eliminate the commander. Seraphim, obey our orders!!"
Luffy was shocked and angry.
Luffy: "Axe man!!"
END, Next Break
Pantau terus yha nakama, memang chapter 1069 nantinya bakalan ngrasain bagaimana si Lucci yang sudah berhadapan dengan Luffy di Enies Loby, Yosh kita tunggu bareng bareng
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