One Piece Chapter 1.068: "Mimpi Seorang Jenius". Di sampulnya, Caesar dan Judge terus bertarung. Di atas kepala mereka, kita bisa melihat balon dengan flashback saat mereka di MADS. Lucci bertanya kepada Pythagoras (Punk-03) tentang insiden di mana beberapa kapal Cipher Pol menghilang di sekitar Pulau Egghead. Pythagoras tidak mengatakan dan bersikeras bahwa CP0 harus pergi.
"A Genius's Dream". On the cover, Caesar and Judge continued to fight. Above their heads, we can see balloons with flashbacks while they are in MADS. Lucci asks Pythagoras (Punk-03) about an incident in which several Cipher Pol ships disappeared around Egghead Island. Pythagoras did not say and insisted that CP0 should go.
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Anim One Piece 1.068 | - Lucci memerintahkan agen CPO untuk bersiap meninggalkan kapal. Kemudian mereka memanggil "S-Bear" (Seraphim Kuma) menggunakan kekuatan "Nikyu Nikyu no Mi" untuk membelokkan mereka semua ke pulau. Setelah mereka meninggalkan kapal perang, "Sea Beast Weapon" menghancurkan kapal tersebut.
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Di Kamabakka Queendom, Kuma asli juga menggunakan kekuatan "Nikyu Nikyu no Mi" miliknya untuk pergi ke suatu tujuan yang tidak diketahui.
Kembali ke Pulau Egghead. Vegapunk mengungkapkan kepada Luffy bahwa mimpinya adalah memberikan energi gratis kepada semua orang di seluruh dunia dan dengan cara itu memberantas perang sumber daya. Vegapunk mengira dia bisa merasakan energi alam.
Lucci ordered the CPO agents to prepare to leave the ship. Then they summon "S-Bear" (Seraphim Kuma) using the power of "Nikyu Nikyu no Mi" to deflect them all to the island. After they left the battleship, the "Sea Beast Weapon" destroyed the ship.
In Kamabakka Queendom, the original Kuma also used his "Nikyu Nikyu no Mi" power to go to an unknown destination.
Back to Egghead Island. Vegapunk reveals to Luffy that his dream is to give free energy to everyone around the world and in that way eradicate resource warfare. Vegapunk thought he could sense natural energy.
Tetapi semakin dekat menemukan sumber energi baru, penelitiannya membawanya lebih dekat ke energi kuno yang misterius. Dan karena itulah dia tahu banyak, dia akan segera dimusnahkan oleh Pemerintah Dunia.
Karena itulah Vegapunk meminta Luffy untuk membawanya pergi.
Luffy: Ya, kami akan membantumu, Kepalamu sangat lucu!!!
Vegapunk sangat senang, dia bilang dia akan membawa semua barang yang dia butuhkan. Vegapunk memberi tahu Luffy bahwa mereka akan bertemu di lab lantai atas dan membawa Bonney ke sana. Kemudian Vegapunk pergi.
But the closer it came to finding new energy sources, his research brought it closer to the mysterious ancient energy. And that's why he knows so much, he will soon be wiped out by the World Government.
That's why Vegapunk asked Luffy to take him away.
Luffy: Yes, we will help you, Your head is so cute!!!
Vegapunk was so happy, he said he would bring all the things he needed. Vegapunk told Luffy that they would meet in the lab upstairs and take Bonney there. Then Vegapunk left.
CP0 tiba di Pulau Egghead. "Sistem Pertahanan Vegapunk" muncul dan mulai melawan CPO. Nami dan kelompoknya sedang melihat apa yang terjadi di monitor.
Shaka (Punk-01) memerintahkan untuk melepaskan "S-Snake", "S-Hawk" dan "S-Shark", dan kemudian dia memberikan "otoritas kontrol" kepada
Sentoumaru (kita bisa melihat gambar Sentomaru tapi di chapter tidak mengkonfirmasi apakah dia benar-benar ada di pulau
Kita bisa melihat bagaimana CP0 menjelajahi pulau Egghead selama 2-3 halaman. Stussy tahu semua detail tentang pulau itu, katanya itu membawa kembali kenangan.
CP0 arrived at Egghead Island. The "Vegapunk Defense System" appeared and began to fight CPO. Nami and her group were looking at what was happening on the monitor.
Shaka (Punk-01) orders to release "S-Snake", "S-Hawk" and "S-Shark", and then he gives "control authority" to
Sentoumaru (we can see a picture of Sentomaru but in the chapter it doesn't confirm if he is actually on the island
We can see how CP0 explored Egghead island for 2-3 pages. Stussy knew all the details about the island, she said it brought back memories.
Kaku sangat bersemangat dan beberapa jebakan laser aktif (Stussy mengetahui jebakan tersebut tetapi dia tidak memperingatkannya).
Atlas (Punk-05) muncul dan menyerang Lucci, Shaka mencoba menyuruhnya berhenti. Lucci menggunakan "Rokuogan" pada Atlas, memecahkan kepalanya dan menghancurkan Atlas sepenuhnya (tampaknya Atlas masih hidup tetapi separuh wajah Atlas rusak).
Kaku is very excited and some laser traps are active (Stussy knows the trap but he doesn't warn him).
Atlas (Punk-05) appears and attacks Lucci, Shaka tries to tell him to stop. Lucci uses "Rokuogan" on Atlas, breaking his head and destroying Atlas completely (it seems that Atlas is still alive but half of Atlas's face is damaged).
Di akhir chapter kita bisa melihat Luffy dan kelompoknya membawa Bonney. Tiba-tiba, mereka bertemu grup Lucci.
Lucci: Topi Jerami!?
Luffy: Pria merpati!!?
END, Minggu Depan tidak libur
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