Future Electric Vehicles - Pada era saat ini memang sedang hangat hangatnya kendaraan dengan tenaga listrik melalui baterai yang ada didalam mobil dengan kendaraan yang masih menggunakan bahan bakar minyak sehingga antara keduanya sangat bersaing besar di pasar. Kehadiran mobil listrik dinilai lebih ekonomis dengan daya penggunaan ketimbang dengan harga bahan bakar yang semakin naik. Nah pabrikan mobil diseluruh dunia tentunya membuat produk kendaraan listrik juga. Mari kita simak terkait dengan beberapa mobil listrik yang bisa Anda beli ditahun kedepannya.
In the current era, it is indeed warm warm vehicles with electric power through batteries in the car with vehicles that still use fuel oil so that between the two are very competitive in the market. The presence of electric cars is considered more economical with power use than with rising fuel prices. Well, car manufacturers around the world certainly make electric vehicle products as well. Let's look at some electric cars that you can buy in the coming year.
Future Electric Vehicles |
www.marchelloka.com - Beberapa mobil listrik dibawah ini yang sudah dijual atau hendak dijual dan beberapa masih menjadi konsep pabrikan. Desain yang diusung masih terlihat jelas tidak jauh berbeda dengan mobil bahan bakar minyak pada umumnya. Sebut saja Volkswagen yang masih bisa kita lihat masih ada VW kapsul sebagai acuan desainnya.
Perlu kita ketahui bahwa untuk mobil listrik adalah sebuah masa depan, dan setiap tahun kami telah melihat para pabrikan mobil sudah menambahkan lebih banyak EV ke produk mereka. Semua orang mengerjakan kendaraan listrik, dari produsen mapan hingga nama baru seperti Lucid, Canoo, dan Rivian. Marchelloka.com telah menyusun daftar setiap kendaraan listrik, dari konsep hingga produksi, yang belum tersedia tetapi akan segera dipasarkan yakni sebuah konsep yang kami terjemahakan dari laman otomotif ternama.
Some of the electric cars below that have been sold or are about to be sold and some are still manufacturer concepts. The design that is carried still looks clearly not much different from fuel oil cars in general. Call it Volkswagen that we can still see there is still a VW capsule as a reference design.
Electric cars are the future, and every year we've seen automakers add more EVs to their products. Everyone is working on electric vehicles, from established manufacturers to new names like Lucid, Canoo, and Rivian. Marchelloka.com've compiled a list of every electric vehicle, from concept to production, that isn't yet available but will soon be on the market, a concept we translated from a major automotive website.
Acura ZDX 2024 |
1. Acura ZDX (Rencara Dekat 2024)
www.marchelloka.com - Sobat otomotif mungkin mengenali nama ZDX dari model coupe-SUV lama Acura, tetapi kali ini moniker menghiasi sesi mobil crossover menengah yang menjadi EV pertama Acura ketika tiba awal tahun depan yakni 2024.
ZDX 2024 mengendarai platform baterai Ultium General Motors berbagi komponen dengan Cadillac Lyriq, dan baterai 102,0 kWh akan menyediakan jangkauan hingga 325 mil. Model A-Spec 340-hp, motor tunggal, penggerak roda belakang akan bergabung dengan Tipe S 500-hp, motor ganda, dan kinerja all-wheel-drive, yang juga memakai rem yang ditingkatkan, peredam adaptif, dan suspensi udara. A-Spec harus mulai sekitar $ 60.000.
You may recognize the ZDX name from Acura's old coupe-SUV models, but this time the moniker graces the midsize crossover car session that will be Acura's first EV when it arrives early next year in 2024.
The 2024 ZDX riding on General Motors' Ultium battery platform shares components with the Cadillac Lyriq, and the 102.0 kWh battery will provide up to 325 miles of range. The A-Spec 340-hp, single-motor, rear-wheel drive model will be joined by a 500-hp Type S, dual motor, and all-wheel-drive performance, which also sports upgraded brakes, adaptive dampers, and air suspension. A-Spec should start around $60,000.
2023 alfa romeo giulia quadrifoglio |
2. Alfa Romeo Giulia EV (Perkiraan: 2025)
Alfa Romeo telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa untuk mobil barunya Giulia bertenaga gas (terlihat di atas) akan dirubah di tahun-tahun mendatang, menjatuhkan model V-6 yang diturunkan dari Ferrari demi powertrain listrik untuk tahun 2025.
Kami berharap versi dasar akan menghasilkan tenaga sekitar 350 tenaga kuda, sedangkan Veloce akan menghasilkan lebih dekat dengan 800 tenaga kuda. Giulia top-of-the-line akan terus membawa nama Quadrifoglio bersejarah dan harus menghasilkan lebih dari 1000 tenaga kuda. Giulia baru akan diproduksi di platform STLA Large Stellantis Group, dengan pengisian daya ultra-cepat 800 volt dan jangkauan hingga 500 mil.
Alfa Romeo has confirmed that its new gas-powered Giulia (seen above) will be revamped in the coming years, dropping Ferrari-derived V-6 models in favor of an electric powertrain for 2025.
We expect the base version will produce around 350 horsepower, while the Veloce will produce closer to 800 horsepower. The top-of-the-line Giulia will continue to carry the historic Quadrifoglio name and should produce over 1000 horsepower. The new Giulia will be manufactured on Stellantis Group's STLA Large platform, with 800-volt ultra-fast charging and a range of up to 500 miles.
Apple Titan EV |
3. Apple Titan EV (Expected: 2026)
iPod, iPhone, iPad... iCar? Mobil Apple yang dikabarkan nantinya dengan nama kode Titan telah dikembangkan selama hampir satu dekade, dan sementara masa depannya telah diragukan pada banyak kesempatan, gumaman terbaru menunjukkan bahwa akhirnya akan tiba pada tahun 2026. Sementara Apple tampaknya meninggalkan rencana untuk kendaraan self-driving penuh,
Pada mobil Apple harus tetap mampu melakukan perjalanan jalan raya otonom dan akan dibangun di sekitar komputer onboard yang kuat. Desainnya belum selesai, tetapi Apple dilaporkan telah pindah dari desain seperti pod untuk bentuk yang lebih konvensional. Raksasa teknologi ini masih mencari mitra otomotif untuk memasok platform listrik setelah pembicaraan dengan
Hyundai gagal pada tahun 2021, dan dikatakan menginvestasikan sekitar $ 1 miliar ke Titan setiap tahun. Apple bukan satu-satunya perusahaan teknologi yang mempertimbangkan masuk ke pasar otomotif. Sony baru-baru ini bermitra dengan Honda pada merek EV baru bernama Afeela, menjanjikan produk serupa untuk tahun 2026.
iPod, iPhone, iPad... iCar? Apple's rumored car codenamed Titan has been in development for nearly a decade, and while its future has been in doubt on numerous occasions, the latest murmur suggests that it will finally arrive in 2026. While Apple appears to be abandoning plans for a full-fledged self-driving vehicle,
Apple cars should still be capable of autonomous highway travel and will be built around powerful onboard computers. The design isn't finished yet, but Apple has reportedly moved away from a pod-like design to a more conventional form. The tech giant is still looking for automotive partners to supply the power platform after talks with
Hyundai failed in 2021, and is said to invest about $1 billion into Titan each year. Apple isn't the only tech company considering getting into the automotive market. Sony recently partnered with Honda on a new EV brand called Afeela, promising a similar product for 2026.
Audi A6 e-tron |
4. Audi A6 e-tron (Rencana: 2023)
Audi A6 e-tron adalah konsep untuk saat ini, tetapi Audi mengatakan itu sangat dekat dengan seperti apa mobil produksi itu. Ini didasarkan pada arsitektur Premium Platform Electric (PPE) yang dapat diskalakan yang dapat diperpanjang, diangkat, dan diperlebar untuk berbagai model EV yang berbeda.
Ini akan dijual bersama Audi A6 bertenaga gas dan akan bergabung dengan crossover e-tron Q6 berbasis APD di jajaran Audi. Konsep A6 e-tron menggunakan dua motor listrik dengan output gabungan 469 tenaga kuda. Semua kendaraan APD memiliki kemampuan pengisian 800 volt, dan sedan besar ini dapat memiliki jangkauan hingga 400 mil dengan sekali pengisian daya.
The Audi A6 e-tron is a concept for now, but Audi says it's very close to what a production car looks like. It is based on a scalable Premium Platform Electric (PPE) architecture that can be extended, lifted, and widened for a variety of different EV models.
It will be sold alongside the gas-powered Audi A6 and will join the PPE-based Q6 e-tron crossover in Audi's lineup. The A6 e-tron concept uses two electric motors with a combined output of 469 horsepower. All PPE vehicles have 800-volt charging capability, and this large sedan can have a range of up to 400 miles on a single charge.
audi q6 e tron |
5. Audi Q6 e-tron (Rencana: 2024)
Audi akan memperluas jajaran SUV listriknya dengan Q6 e-tron, ditempatkan di antara crossover Q4 dan Q8 e-tron dan mengendarai arsitektur APD yang sama yang mendukung Porsche Macan EV yang akan datang. Baterai sekitar 93,0 kWh harus menyediakan jangkauan hingga 315 mil dan pengaturan 800 volt akan memungkinkan pengisian ulang yang cepat.
Dual-motor all-wheel-drive Q6 e-tron menghasilkan 375 tenaga kuda sementara model SQ6 e-tron yang lebih sporty meningkatkannya menjadi 482 kuda poni, dengan mode boost menambahkan sekitar 20 hp untuk setiap model. Pada test drive prototipe, kami menemukan pengendaraan yang nyaman, terkontrol dengan baik, dan akselerasi yang kuat. Produksi dimulai tahun depan dan Q6 e-tron 2025 akan duduk di samping Q5 bertenaga gas di jajaran Audi.
Audi will expand its electric SUV lineup with the Q6 e-tron, placed between the Q4 and Q8 e-tron crossovers and riding on the same PPE architecture that underpins the upcoming Porsche Macan EV. A battery of about 93.0 kWh should provide a range of up to 315 miles and an 800-volt setup will allow for a quick recharge.
The Q6 e-tron's dual-motor all-wheel-drive produces 375 horsepower while the sportier SQ6 e-tron model boosts that to 482 ponies, with boost mode adding around 20 hp to each model. On a test drive of the prototype, we found a comfortable, well-controlled ride and strong acceleration. Production starts next year and the 2025 Q6 e-tron will sit alongside the gas-powered Q5 in Audi's lineup.
Five Bentley Models |
6.Five Bentley Models (Perkiraan: 2025)
Mobil Bently merupakan mobil mewah yang begitu istimewa baik mobil maupun harganya juga, Bentley merencanakan poros utama dari yacht 15-mpg ke model yang baru nantinya dengan powertrain listrik secara penuh. Bentley mengatakan akan menggantikan Bentayga, Flying Spur, Continental GT coupe dan convertible yang ada, dan memperkenalkan model baru ke jajarannya pada tahun 2030 nanti. Pengganti pertama akan tiba sekitar tahun 2025. Kita mesti sabar sobat menunggu perubahan dan teknologi baru mobil ini.
Bently is a luxury car that is so special both the car and the price as well, Bentley plans the main axle from a 15-mpg yacht to a new model later with a fully electric powertrain. Bentley says it will replace the existing Bentayga, Flying Spur, Continental GT coupe and convertible, and introduce new models to its lineup by 2030. The first replacement will arrive sometime in 2025. We must be patient, buddy, waiting for changes and new technology of this car.
2024 bmw i5 edrive |
6. BMW i5 (Perkiraan: Akhir 2023)
Dari pihak BMW telah memasangkan seri 5 terbaru dengan varian listrik baru yang dijuluki i5. Model dasar eDrive40 memiliki motor 335-hp yang menggerakkan roda belakang, dengan baterai 84,3 kWh diperkirakan akan menambah jangkauan hampir 300 mil.
Sampai varian M penuh tiba, Bintang teratas dalam jajaran i5 adalah M60 xDrive, sedan sport all-wheel-drive dual-motor yang bagus untuk 590 hp dan sprint 3,7 detik yang diklaim hingga 60 mph. M60 berbagi baterai yang sama, menjatuhkan perkiraan jangkauan hingga 256 mil. eDrive40 akan mulai dari $ 67.795 sedangkan M60 akan berharga $ 85.095 ketika sedan EV hadir di dealer di musim gugur.
BMW has paired the new 5 series with a new electric variant dubbed the i5. The base model of the eDrive40 has a 335-hp motor that drives the rear wheels, with the 84.3 kWh battery expected to add nearly 300 miles of range.
Until the full M variant arrives, the top star in the i5 lineup is the M60 xDrive, a dual-motor all-wheel-drive sports sedan that's good for 590 hp and a claimed 3.7-second sprint of up to 60 mph. The M60 shares the same battery, dropping the estimated range to 256 miles. The eDrive40 will start at $67,795 while the M60 will cost $85,095 when the EV sedan arrives at dealerships in the fall.
2025 bmw m5 |
7. BMW i5 M (Perkiraan: 2026)
Flare fender, mengacu pada sikap yang lebih agresif, dan power dengan 1136 tenaga kuda akan dihadirkan untuk menghasilkan BMW i5 M mendatang, yang tidak akan tiba sebelum 2026. Drivetrain dengan empat motor berkinerja tinggi yang baru akan menggabungkan vektor torsi roda-demi-roda dan regenerasi energi rem-demi-motor, dan akan mampu mengemudikan drifting dan tank turn di mana kendaraan dapat menggunakan output torsi yang luar biasa untuk kinerja dan putaran.
Sementara i5 yang lebih tenang telah memulai debutnya, dengan seperangkat baterai terbaik, kemudi aktif, dan suspensi yang cocok untuk akselerasi di jalanan, kami tidak bisa tidak tetap fokus pada i5 M yang lebih marah dengan unit kontrol drive yang menakjubkan.
Fender flares, referring to a more aggressive stance, and power with 1136 horsepower will be presented to produce the upcoming BMW i5 M, which will not arrive before 2026. The drivetrain with four new high-performance motors will combine wheel-by-wheel torque vectoring and brake-by-motor energy regeneration, and will be capable of drifting and tank turn driving where the vehicle can use exceptional torque output for performance and revs.
While the quieter i5 has already debuted, with its best-in-the-line battery set, active steering, and suspension suitable for street acceleration, we can't help but stay focused on the more furious i5 M with its stunning drive control unit.
2025 buick electra e5 |
8. Buick Electra (Expected: 2024)
2024 cadillac celestiq ev flagship |
9. Cadillac Celestiq (Expected: Early 2024)
Perushaan Cadillac ingin kembali ke hari-hari ketika perusahaan dapat menyebut dirinya Standar Dunia tanpa dicemooh. Setidaknya itulah rencananya dengan Celestiq yang akan datang, EV mewah yang akan dibangun dengan tangan dan biaya lebih dari $ 300K.
Harga itu membuatnya di luar jangkauan semua kecuali orang terkaya, tetapi Cadillac membayangkan Celestiq sebagai aspirasi daripada hal yang dapat dicapai. Untuk satu persen yang mampu membeli salah satu hatchback listrik 600-hp avant-garde ini, setiap contoh dapat disesuaikan secara unik dengan keinginan pelanggan. Apakah itu cukup untuk memasukkan merek mewah GM ke dalam diskusi dengan Bentley dan Rolls-Royce? Kita harus menunggu dan melihat begitu Celestiq menghantam jalan-jalan komunitas terkaya di Amerika dan hadir kemungkinan pada awal 2024.
Cadillac wants to go back to the days when the company could call itself World Standard without being derided. At least that's the plan with the upcoming Celestiq, a luxury EV that will be built by hand and cost more than $300K.
That price puts it out of reach for all but the wealthiest, but Cadillac envisions the Celestiq as an aspiration rather than an achievable thing. For the one percent who can afford one of these avant-garde 600-hp electric hatchbacks, each example can be uniquely tailored to the customer's wishes. Is that enough to include GM's luxury brands in discussions with Bentley and Rolls-Royce? We'll have to wait and see once Celestiq hits the streets of America's wealthiest communities and comes possibly in early 2024.
2025 cadillac escalade iq |
10. Cadillac Escalade iQ (Expected: Summer 2024)
Cadillac Escalade adalah sebuah SUV besar dan keren yang terbukti populer di kalangan rapper seperti Jay-Z dan 50 Cent sedang mengalami transformasi listrik dengan Escalade iQ baru. Dengan kapasitas lebih dari 200 kWh, baterai Ultium bersama dengan GMC Hummer EV menyediakan jangkauan sekitar 450 mil untuk jarak tempuhnya, sedangkan powertrain motor ganda dapat menyediakan hingga 750 tenaga kuda. Kabin mewah dihiasi dengan layar 55 inci yang membentang di seluruh dasbor dan sistem suara 40-speaker. Escalade IQ akan ditawarkan dengan Super Cruise, sistem mengemudi hands-free General Motors, dan akan mulai sekitar $ 130.000.
The Cadillac Escalade is a big, cool SUV that's proving popular with rappers like Jay-Z and the 50 Cent is undergoing an electric transformation with the new Escalade iQ. With a capacity of over 200 kWh, the Ultium battery along with the GMC Hummer EV provides around 450 miles of range for its range, while the dual-motor powertrain can provide up to 750 horsepower. The luxurious cabin is adorned with a 55-inch screen that stretches across the dashboard and a 40-speaker sound system. The Escalade IQ will be offered with Super Cruise, General Motors' hands-free driving system, and will start at about $130,000.
2023 canoo pickup concept |
11. Canoo Pickup Truck (Expected: 2024)
Canoo is an electric automotive startup from California, and this is its pickup. For now, it is simply called Pickup Truck. The Canoo pickup promises more than 500 horsepower and at least 200 miles of range. It's smaller than what's typically found in the mid-size pickup segment, being two feet shorter than the Ford Ranger. Canoo says its pickup will be offered with a six- to eight-foot pickup bed with preorders open right now, and production starting sometime in 2024. The U.S. Army is also testing a modified version of the Pickup Truck. —Austin Irwin
canoo electric van |
12. Canoo Lifestyle Vehicle (Expected: 2023)
Like Canoo's pickup, this five- or seven-seat EV is built on a skateboard platform, similar to what BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Volkswagen use to easily swap body styles on similar underpinnings. Canoo claims this little bus will have a range of 200 miles and up to 350 horsepower, with a starting price under $40,000. A delivery van version has attracted 4500 pre-orders from Walmart, while NASA has expressed interest in using the Lifestyle Vehicle for transport at the launch site for the upcoming Artemis moon-landing missions. Canoo has faced financial difficulties of late, but hopes to get production started this year —Caleb Miller
2024 chevrolet blazer ev |
13. Chevrolet Blazer EV (Expected: Summer 2023)
We miss the boxy K5 Blazer of the 1980s and 1990s as much as anyone, but Chevy isn't trucking around with the SUV's next major transition. The Blazer EV, which will be sold alongside the gasoline-powered Blazer SUV, will offer an SS trim level that generates 557 horsepower with acceleration that could leave V-8 Camaros in its dust. Chevy plans to also offer less-aggressive trims that focus on affordability and range. While the EPA hasn't certified anything yet, Chevy is shooting for 320 miles for its long-driving Blazer EV RS model. The Blazer EV is scheduled to go on sale later in 2023, with the lowest-priced 1LT trim joining the lineup sometime in 2024. —Austin Irwin
2024 chevrolet equinox ev |
14. Chevrolet Equinox EV (Expected: Late 2023)
Last year Chevy sold 212,072 units of its Equinox crossover, beating the likes of the Ford Escape, Hyundai Tucson, and Subaru Forester. It hopes to continue this success with an Equinox EV that should start around $30,000 and go on sale in the fall of 2023. The Equinox EV will offer a wide range of models starting with a base trim with 250 miles of range and 210 horsepower. More expensive trims offer up to 300 miles of range thanks to a larger battery pack, and dual-motor all-wheel-drive cars have 290 horsepower. —Joey Capparella
2024 chevrolet silverado ev |
15. Chevrolet Silverado EV (Expected: 2023)
Turns out the GMC Hummer EV and SUV were a little taste of what we'll see from Chevy's upcoming all-electric Silverado. They'll be built under the same roof, with the Silverado also using GM's Ultium battery pack and offering up to 400 miles on a single charge. The Silverado EV will be offered from a fleet-oriented work truck trim to fully loaded RST models with 664 horsepower. In an effort to make good on its promise of 30 new EVs by 2025, production of Chevy's first electric pickup will begin this year. —Austin Irwin
16. Chevrolet Corvette EV and SUV (Expected: 2025)
corvette ev prototypeGENERAL MOTORS
The Corvette cinematic universe is about to plunge into a phase so wild that Marvel might start taking notes. Chevrolet has already confirmed that a fully electric Corvette is coming soon—sooner than we might think, since the E-Ray hybrid that recently broke cover was slated to make its debut first. The Corvette EV will use the same Ultium battery platform as other new GM EVs, and considering the General can get a fifty-trillion-ton Hummer EV to reach 60 mph in under 4 seconds, we have high hopes for the Corvette EV.
But wait, there's more! We're hearing rumors that the Corvette EV will launch into a new Corvette subbrand within GM, which will bring a host of new Corvette-branded models with it, including a four-door "coupe" and a high-performance crossover, which could easily position itself as a Ford Mustang Mach-E competitor—or something even beefier. —Andrew Krok
17. Chrysler Airflow Concept (Expected: 2025)
chrysler airflow conceptVIEW PHOTOSCHRYSLER
With the success of the Ford Mustang Mach-E in its crosshairs, Chrysler is planning a 400-mile crossover by 2025. The Airflow is just a concept, but the model is claimed to also offer Level 3 autonomous driving capability. The brand, which currently offers the Pacific minivan and Chrysler 300 sedan, plans to go fully electric by 2028. —Austin Irwin
18. Dodge Charger Daytona SRT EV (Expected: 2024)
dodge charger daytona srt conceptDODGE
Dodge is determined to keep the muscle car relevant well into the electric epoch, and it's given us quite the preview before its internal-combustion analogue has even left the dealership floor. The Dodge Charger Daytona SRT concept runs on an 800-volt electrical architecture called Banshee, and while performance details are still incredibly light, the automaker promises that its first beefcake EV will surpass the Hellcat's performance. A multi-speed transmission hopes to keep some of the muscle car's visceral nature alive, but the most interesting tech by far is the Fratzonic exhaust system, which uses actual piping to boost the EV's sound to a 126-decibel onslaught. —Andrew Krok
19. Deus Vayanne (Expected: 2025)
2025 deus vayanneDEUS
While Austrian startup Deus (pronounced de-oos) is a complete unknown, the company has recruited proven partners for its first vehicle, the electric Vayanne hypercar. The curvy bodywork was penned by Italdesign, while Williams Advanced Engineering has been tasked with developing the 2200-hp powertrain. The company claims that with 1475 pound-feet of torque, the Vayanne launches to 62 mph in 1.99 seconds and on to a 248-mile top speed. We'll believe it when we see it. Just 99 units are planned for production, with Deus aiming to start deliveries in 2025. —Caleb Miller
20. Faraday Future FF91 (Expected: 2023)
faraday future ff 91FARADAY FUTURE
First revealed in 2017, the Faraday Future FF 91 boasts 1050 horsepower from a trio of electric motors, with two on the rear axle and one up front, giving it a claimed sprint to 60 mph in just 2.4 seconds. But the California-based company has struggled to bring the crossover—which stretches nearly as long as a Mercedes-Benz S-class—to production due to financial woes and has pushed back production dates numerous times. But the company claimed in late 2022 that it had received a 381-mile range rating from the EPA, and aims to start building FF 91s at its factory in California in March 2023, with deliveries commencing in April. The FF 91 is expected to cost around $200,000. —Caleb Miller
21. Fiat 500e (Expected: 2024)
2024 fiat 500e hatchbackFIAT
Fiat's future calls for an all-EV lineup that includes just one model, the 500e minicar. Based on the model that's currently on sale in Europe, the 2024 500e combines the brand's retro-modern design language with a 117-hp electric motor and a battery that should be good for about 160 miles of driving range per charge. In a market where larger and more luxurious electric vehicles regularly deliver over 200 miles of driving range, the 500e will launch at a significant disadvantage. Fiat's plan though is to market it primarily in urban areas where drivers are less likely to require road-trip levels of range. We'll see the U.S.-market 500e debut in November 2023 and hit dealers in early 2024. —Drew Dorian
22. Fisker Ocean (Expected: 2023)
fisker ocean ev conceptMORE INFOFISKER
A stylish 300-mile-range electric SUV with a solar roof sounds promising, and Henrik Fisker's EV startup hopes to keep that promise with the Fisker Ocean. The Ocean earned a 360-mile range rating from the EPA when fitted with its biggest battery pack, a 113.0-kWh unit that is available in the top dual-motor all-wheel-drive trims. The most affordable Ocean, a single-motor front-wheel-drive version, will have a claimed 250 miles of range and start around $39,000. Fisker began producing the Ocean in the fourth quarter of 2022 and claims it delivered the first 22 units to U.S. customers in June, although we've yet to see one ourselves. —Austin Irwin
23. Fisker Pear (Expected: 2024)
fisker pear conceptMORE INFOFISKER
Although there aren't many details or real imagery of the Fisker Pear that's planned to go on sale in 2024, you can reserve one for as little as $250. The Pear will start at $29,900 (without destination) and will be smaller than the Ocean. Pear, which stands for Personal Electric Automotive Revolution will be a five-passenger two-row SUV and will be built at the Lordstown Assembly plant in Ohio. More details to follow as the model gets closer to production. —Austin Irwin
24. Ford Explorer EV (Expected: 2023)
2021 ford explorer hybridMORE INFOFORD
The Ford Explorer is among the most popular SUVs sold in the U.S., so giving it the fully electric treatment is an obvious move. Ford announced in May 2021 that its three-row SUV would be joining the Mustang Mach-E and the E-Transit electric van in Ford's growing electric lineup. Though the current Explorer offers a 318-hp hybrid V-6 powertrain, we suspect that, like with the Mach-E and F-150 Lightning, there are rear- and all-wheel-drive Explorer EV models planned. —Austin Irwin
25. GMC Sierra EV (Expected: Early 2024)
2024 gmc sierra ev denaliGMC
Get ready for the GMC Sierra EV, the brand's first electric pickup truck. While it shares bones with the extroverted GMC Hummer EV, the Sierra is less extreme in many ways. That doesn't mean initial examples will be as affordable as its corporate counterpart, the upcoming Chevy Silverado EV. The electric Sierra will launch sometime in early 2024 with only the Denali Edition 1. This top-spec model includes a 754-hp all-wheel-drive powertrain with an estimated 400 miles of range—but it'll cost nearly $109K. That six-figure price includes GM's Super Cruise hands-free driving system, rear-wheel steering that enables Crab Walk, and an interior with the nicest materials GMC offers. Thankfully, less expensive Sierra EV models will follow in 2025. —Eric Stafford
26. Honda Prologue (Expected: 2024)
2024 honda prologueHONDA
Honda doesn't currently offer a fully electric model in the U.S., but that's all about to change. Set to arrive in 2024, the Honda Prologue is a mid-size SUV that's around the same size as the Passport. Through a partnership with General Motors on EV powertrains, this new EV will use GM's Ultium battery packs and appears to share components with the Chevy Blazer EV. Initial renderings show that the Prologue has a clean design inside and out, but we don't yet know mechanical details. Expect single- and dual-motor configurations and multiple battery-pack sizes. As the name implies, the Prologue is the first of many upcoming electric vehicles from the brand. Acura also plans to add a fully electric model to its lineup that will be called ZDX. Honda has committed to selling only EVs by 2040. —Joey Capparella
27. Honda and Chevrolet Compact SUVs (Expected: 2027)
honda and general motors ev newsMORE INFOHONDA AND CHEVROLET
Adding to their combined efforts to produce the Acura ADX and Honda Prologue, GM and Honda will continue their partnership to create a line of affordable electric compact SUVs. The new models will share a common platform with alternative batteries and materials. The objective of these endeavors is to lower the cost of producing an EV to help shrink the pricing disparity between gasoline and electric models. The automakers say these new affordable models are planned to launch sometime in 2027. —Austin Irwin
28. Hyundai Ioniq 7 (Expected: 2024)
hyundai ioniq 7 conceptVIEW PHOTOSHYUNDAI
Built on the same E-GMP platform as the Ioniq 5 mentioned above, the Ioniq 7 will be similar to the current three-row Palisade in size. Currently, Hyundai has only shown us this concept, but judging by its current design language on production models, it's possible the real 7 could look even crazier. On a bigger SUV like this, we expect a large battery that could support at least 300 miles of range. —Austin Irwin
29. Hyundai Ioniq 5 N and 6 N (Expected: 2024)
2024 hyundai ioniq 5 n rearHYUNDAI
Hyundai's hopped-up N division isn't about to cease existing as the Korean automaker shifts from internal combustion to electric propulsion. If anything, things are getting even wilder with the 601-hp Hyundai Ioniq 5 N. A boost mode unlocks an extra 40 ponies from the two motors, shooting the Ioniq 5 N to 60 mph in a claimed 3.4 seconds. There's also a drift mode for shredding tires, simulated gearshifts to create a more engaging electric driving experience, and three sound profiles including one that mimics the turbo four-cylinder from the Elantra N. Sales start early next year. The Ioniq 5 N is expected to be joined by an Ioniq 6 N, which will likely share the same hardware and should look something like the RN22e concept. —Andrew Krok
30. Jeep Wrangler EV (Expected: 2023)
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Jeep currently sells a plug-in hybrid Wrangler 4xe, but the company has now teased a fully-electric version of the iconic Wrangler off-road SUV. Jeep showed a Magneto concept as part of the Easter Jeep Safari, but has since released more information. On the surface, it looks like your typical two-door Wrangler Rubicon, but inside the Magneto has four battery packs with a combined output of 285 horsepower. Jeep also teased a video of a hiking adventure that shows the Wrangler EV driving itself to the end of the trail to give its occupants a ride back. Don't get too excited, as this isn't the real thing yet, but expect the production model later to arrive in 2023, with fully autonomous features by 2030. —Austin Irwin
31. Jeep Recon (Expected: 2024)
2024 jeep recon parked on a rocky beachJEEP
Been waiting for an all-electric Jeep Wrangler? The forthcoming Recon isn't exactly that, but it's pretty dang close. Jeep claims it'll have "impressive" clearances for off-roading, and the EV SUV will have removable glass and doors too. A retractable roof and rear-mounted spare complete the Wrangler vibe. The Recon's legitimate trail-rated capabilities will be further supported by chunky tires and underbody protection. Locking diffs should help make the most of what's sure to be an all-wheel-drive powertrain. We don't yet know how much power it'll make or how long of range it'll have, but we expect those details to emerge well before the Jeep Recon is slated to start production sometime in 2024. —Eric Stafford
32. Jeep Wagoneer S (Expected: 2024)
2024 black jeep wagoneer s parked overlooking the ocean at sunriseJEEP
Think of the Jeep Wagoneer S as an all-electric alternative to the more conventional Jeep Grand Cherokee. Many details about the company's upcoming mid-size EV SUV remain a mystery—like its actual name. Jeep says "Wagoneer S" is a placeholder while it picks an official title. That and more will be revealed before the Wagoneer S goes into production, likely sometime in 2024. For now, all we have are images of a sharply designed concept along with several tantalizing targets. Jeep claims the final model will have 400 miles of range, however, that figure will change based on how often drivers exploit its planned 600-hp electric powertrain. —Eric Stafford
33. Kia EV9 (Expected: Late 2023)
2024 kia ev9KIA
Kia is expanding its EV lineup literally and figuratively with this three-row mid-size SUV that will sit alongside the gas-powered Telluride. The production EV9 has stuck with the chunky, squared-off look first seen on the 2021 concept car, and the crossover will come in six- or seven-seat arrangements and packs two 12.3-inch screens on the dashboard. Kia still hasn't revealed powertrain or battery specifications, but the automaker previously stated a goal of up to 300 miles of range. More information will arrive before sales start at either the end of 2023 or early 2024. —Caleb Miller
34. Lagonda All-Terrain (Expected: 2025)
aston martin lagonda conceptASTON MARTIN
Aston Martin relaunched the Lagonda name as an electric luxury brand, revealing an SUV concept in 2019 that was supposed to reach production by 2022. But after Canadian billionaire Lawrence Stroll orchestrated a buyout of the struggling company in 2020, the Lagonda subbrand was reportedly delayed until 2025. No updates on the revival have surfaced since. With Aston Martin's difficulty bringing the Valhalla and Vanquish mid-engined supercars to production after a clunky rollout of the V-12-powered Valkyrie, we're not sure if the Lagonda SUV will ever see the light of day. —Caleb Miller
35. Lincoln Star (Expected: 2024)
lincoln star conceptLINCOLN
Lincoln aims to switch to a fully electric lineup by 2030. We expect a production version of the Star to arrive in late 2024 as a 2025 model year and become Lincoln's first EV. The Star concept revealed in 2022 looks half like a Lincoln Aviator and half like a spaceship. Lincoln says the production mid-sized two-row crossover will come with both rear- and all-wheel drive powertrain options. The concept's cabin features a full-width digital display on the dash, sculpted bucket seats, an integrated beverage chiller, crystal accents, and rose gold colored trim pieces. We expect range and power output to be similar to the Ford Mustang Mach-E, with a starting price around $70,000. —Jack Fitzgerald
36. Lotus Eletre (Expected: 2024)
2025 lotus eletreVIEW PHOTOSLOTUS
Lotus revealed their upcoming 900-hp EV SUV this year which will be produced in Wuhan, China and arrive in the U.S. sometime in 2024. The entry model promises a whopping 600 horsepower with all-wheel drive. Lotus claims the Eletre will have roughly 315 miles of range and an 800-volt battery that can replenish two-thirds of its battery in 20 minutes using a 350-kW fast charger. The Eletre is shaping up to be the quickest vehicle Lotus has ever produced. —Austin Irwin
37. Lotus Envya (Expected: 2025)
2025 lotus envya spiedBRIAN WILLIAMS|CAR AND DRIVER
Lotus is expanding its lineup, with an electric sedan, codenamed Type 133, set to follow the Eletre SUV. Spy photos show an aerodynamic silhouette with a sloping roof and a split headlight design. Powertrain details are still unknown, but we expect the sedan to rival cars like the Porsche Taycan and Tesla Model S. Rumored to be called Envya, the sedan should be revealed this year but probably won't reach the U.S. until the 2025 model year. A smaller SUV and an electric sports car will arrive in the second half of the decade. —Caleb Miller
38. Lucid Gravity (Expected: 2024)
2023 lucid motors gravityLUCID MOTORS
The Lucid Gravity name may sound familiar, seeing as how the automaker has not been shy about its aspirations to build an electric SUV. Lucid says it will show its first SUV in November of this year, with production commencing in late 2024. From the few pictures we've seen, the Gravity's front end doesn't look all that different from the Air sedan, and it carries the same addiction to large glass roof panels as its four-door sibling. Lucid promises "supercar performance" here, which won't come as a surprise, considering some Air variants make upward of 1200 horsepower. —Andrew Krok
39. Maserati Grecale Folgore (Expected: Late 2023)
2024 maserati grecale folgoreVIEW PHOTOSMASERATI
The new Grecale crossover will be a key part of Maserati's expanding EV lineup. All Maserati EVs will wear the Folgore name (that's Italian for "lightning"), and Maserati has now revealed the 2024 Grecale Folgore alongside the standard model. The gas-powered 2023 Grecale GT, Modena, and Trofeo models are scheduled to arrive this summer, while the Folgore won't reach the U.S. until fall 2023. —Joey Capparella
40. Maserati GranTurismo Folgore (Expected: Late 2023)
2024 maserati granturismo folgoreMASERATI
Maserati will add an electric powertrain to its latest GranTurismo coupe. The GranTurismo Folgore trades the forced-induction V-6 engine for a trio of electric motors capable of producing a combined 818 horsepower, getting this Maser to 60 mph in a claimed 2.7 seconds. A dog-bone-shaped battery pack cuts through the cabin and occupies parts of the "engine" bay, as well as the area aft of the rear seats. The unique shape means the Folgore's cabin space essentially mirrors that of the six-cylinder model. With a capacity of 83.0 kWh, the GranTurismo Folgore's battery will afford it an approximately 240-mile range, though that figure will likely fall precipitously with a heavy right foot. Look for the GranTurismo Folgore to arrive at dealers before the end of 2023 as a 2024 model. — Greg Fink
41. Mercedes-Benz EQG (Expected: Late 2023)
mercedesbenz concept eqgMERCEDES-BENZ|CAR AND DRIVER
Mercedes-Benz is giving the EV treatment to its beloved G-wagen. The company debuted this concept at the 2021 Munich auto show. The EQG will have a motor at each wheel for four-wheel drive capability. Details on pricing, range, and horsepower haven't been revealed. Few automakers have teased an off-road EV, but when the EQG comes out, likely next year, it will compete with the GMC Hummer EV. —Austin Irwin
42. Mini Cooper Electric (Expected: 2025)
2025 mini cooper hatchbackMINI
The iconic Mini Cooper hatchback is receiving a major overhaul for 2025, and the electric model will return with a 53.0-kWh battery that should improve upon the outgoing Cooper Electric's paltry 110-mile range. Along with a single-motor, front-wheel-drive model, Mini will offer a dual-motor, all-wheel-drive, 313-hp variant and eventually an electric John Cooper Works performance version. A prototype drive in Austria revealed that the next electric Cooper will retain the fun, spirited driving character of gas-powered Minis and will even drift through corners thanks to a trick computer system. The Cooper EV won't arrive until 2025 but we've already seen the exterior design, a sharp, modern evolution of the classic Mini look. —Caleb Miller
43. Mini Aceman (Expected: 2024)
mini aceman electric crossover conceptMINI
Mini will bring the spunky Aceman EV from concept form to a fully-fledged production model in 2024. The new electric SUV is expected to replace the Clubman, which has seen falling sales figures in the last few years. The Aceman will fit between the Cooper hatchback and the Countryman, making it the smallest five-door model in Mini's lineup. We're hoping the Aceman makes a bit more power than the 181 horsepower available in the current Cooper Electric. That car only manages an estimated 110 miles of driving range from the 28.9-kWh battery, but the Aceman should feature a larger battery pack and more range. —Jack Fitzgerald
44. Mini Countryman (Expected: 2024)
2025 mini countryman camouflageMINI
The electric version of Mini's small SUV won't be the brand's first EV, but it promises to be far more usable than the small, short-range Cooper SE hatchback that's currently on sale. The Countryman EV will share underpinnings with the BMW iX1 that's not sold here and will be offered either as a 188-hp, single-motor model or a 308-hp, dual-motor SE ALL4 version. The 64.8-kWh battery pack should provide around 240 miles of range. The Countryman EV should arrive for the 2025 model year alongside a new gas-powered Countryman. —Joey Capparella
45. Polestar 3 (Expected: Late 2023)
2024 polestar 3POLESTAR
The design language of the two-row Polestar 3 SUV is something like a grumpy spaceship. Expected to go on sale in the fourth quarter of 2023, the 3 uses either a 489-hp dual-motor unit good for a claimed 300 miles or a 517-hp tune for the Performance model's 270-mile range. The Polestar 3 prides itself on being the brand's first American-built car, joining Volvo's S60 and next-gen XC90 at their production plant in South Carolina in 2024. Every Polestar 3 uses a 107-kWh battery pack with DC-fast charging speeds of up to 250 kW. —Austin Irwin
46. Polestar 4 (Expected: Late 2024)
2025 polestar 4POLESTAR
If the Polestar 3's proportions aren't sleek enough for you, the sloping, coupe-like roofline of the slightly smaller Polestar 4 should do the trick. The 4's dual-motor, all-wheel-drive variant outperforms the 3's Performance model with 544 hp and a claimed sprint to 62 mph in 3.9 seconds. A single-motor, rear-wheel-drive Polestar 4 produces 272 hp while targeting a range over 300 miles from its 94.0-kWh battery. The interior design is classic Swedish minimalism, and the Polestar 4 stands out from the crowd by eschewing a rear window. Prices should start around $60,000, $25K less than the 3. —Caleb Miller
47. Polestar 5 (Expected: 2024)
2024 polestar 5MORE INFOPOLESTAR
Formerly known as the Precept concept, the Polestar 5 is slated as competitor to the Tesla Model S, Porsche Taycan, and Mercedes-Benz EQS. It's a big and fancy electric luxury sedan, with pricing expected to start around $100,000. We'll be sure to add more details about the Polestar 5 to this box as it gets closer to production. —Austin Irwin
48. Polestar 6 (Expected: 2026)
polestar 6 conceptPOLESTAR
The Polestar 6 is the type of EV that raises our heartrate. Not only will the production version feature an 884-hp all-wheel-drive powertrain, but it'll be an open-top roadster that looks as racy as it does radical. Speaking of rad, the roofless two-door is expected to employ 663 pound-feet of torque to hit 60 mph in 3.2 seconds on its way to a 155-mph top speed. The Polestar 6 is slated to arrive in 2026, starting with 500 special editions called the LA Concept. Each will be a near clone of the jaw-dropping 02 concept—minus the futuristic autonomous drone. While its interior isn't as exciting as the exterior, all of it will be wrapped around a unique bonded aluminum chassis and an 800-volt architecture that will be shared with the forthcoming Polestar 5. —Eric Stafford
49. Porsche Macan EV (Expected: 2024)
Porsche aims for over 80 percent of its sales to consist of EVs by 2030, and a key to that goal will be the upcoming Macan EV. The first Porsche to ride on the PPE platform, the electric version of Porsche's popular SUV will use an 800-volt architecture to help recharge the battery from five to 80 percent in under 25 minutes. It should also be mightily quick, thanks to a maximum of 603 horsepower and 738 pound-feet of torque, with rear- or all-wheel-drive will be available. Porsche has divulged lots of other secrets about the Macan EV ahead of its expected reveal in 2023, with deliveries due to start in 2024. —Caleb Miller
50. Ram 1500 REV (Expected: 2024)
2024 ram 1500 revRAM
Barely a month after the debut of the innovative and striking Revolution Concept, Ram revealed a significantly toned-down production version, now called the Ram 1500 REV. The production pickup sticks to the more traditional styling of the gas-powered truck, but with redesigned front and rear ends. The REV rides on a new architecture called STLA Frame, purpose-built for body-on-frame EV models, and will feature all-wheel drive thanks to motors on the front and rear axles. Ram has also confirmed that a range-extender version with a gasoline engine will be offered. Production starts next year, with more details arriving soon. —Jack Fitzgerald
51. Rolls-Royce Spectre (Expected: Late 2023)
2024 rollsroyce spectre evROLLS-ROYCE
A major tidal shift is coming to Rolls-Royce with the introduction of the all-electric 2024 Spectre. The ultra-luxe coupe will ascend the throne of the outgoing V-12 Wraith Coupe, and shares its platform with the Phantom sedan and Cullinan SUV. Unlike those two models, the Spectre's power comes from a fully electric powertrain consisting of two motors producing a combined 577 horsepower. The driving range is estimated to max out around 260 miles per charge, a stat we may begrudge in lesser vehicles, though we expect the Spectre clientele have a hangar full of more viable vehicles for when longer trips are required. Deliveries for the Spectre are expected to begin by the end of 2023, with a price likely somewhere north of $400,000. —Jack Fitzgerald
52.Scout SUV and Truck (Expected: 2026)
volkswagen scout revivalVOLKSWAGEN
After lying dormant for decades, Volkswagen is reviving the Scout nameplate for a new EV brand. The first two products—an electric SUV and pickup truck—will be designed specifically for American tastes. Teaser sketches show a rugged-looking design that emulates the original Scout, a utilitarian SUV manufactured by truck and tractor maker International Harvester in the '60s and '70s. The Scout vehicles will be assembled in a dedicated factory in South Carolina, which Volkswagen is building at a cost of $2 billion and will eventually be capable of building 200,000 vehicles per year. Few other details on the vehicles are available, but the Scouts are expected to ride on an EV-specific body-on-frame platform. Production is due to kick off in 2026. —Caleb Miller
53. Sony-Honda Afeela Sedan (Expected: 2026)
sony afeela prototype conceptSONY
Can you Afeela the love tonight? Sony and Honda are hooking up to form Sony Honda Mobility, which will release its first EV under the Afeela brand in 2026. The pair showed off their latest concept at CES in Las Vegas, and it's quite the handsome spaceship. Packing 45 cameras and sensors, Afeela's inaugural product promises conditional Level 3 automated driving. Don't expect too much focus on things like power or performance here; instead, Afeela is trying to make a value play to price-conscious consumers—especially ones who love dash-spanning screens loaded with streaming entertainment options. —Andrew Krok
56. Tesla Cybertruck (Expected: 2024)
tesla cybertruckVIEW PHOTOSTESLA
The Tesla Cybertruck is Schrödinger's EV, stuck in a state of quantum superposition where it is seemingly both on the verge of production and extremely far away from it—and it looks like we will remain stuck in suspense for yet another year. Tesla CEO Elon Musk's latest comments to investors put the start of mass production in 2024, although a few models may sneak off the line before then. If it does arrive with even a slice of what Musk has promised in the past, its specs could be downright ridiculous. The Cybertruck will allegedly come in one-, two-, and three-motor variants, with potential features like a pass-through load floor. Tesla just needs to, you know, build the dang thing first. —Andrew Krok
57. Tesla Roadster (Expected: Who Knows?)
tesla roadsterVIEW PHOTOSTESLA
If there's one thing Tesla loves, it's biting off more than it can chew. The automaker has almost as many models waiting in the wings as models it currently sells, and the Roadster is perhaps the highest pie in all the sky. When Tesla's second-generation Roadster renders first appeared in 2017, the company included some specs that remain as insane as the day they were first uttered. 60 mph could arrive in a reality-warping 1.9 seconds, and it allegedly won't run out of motive force until reaching 250 mph. If you love road trips, the Roadster will reportedly carry a 200.0-kWh battery pack that's good for some 600-plus miles of crossing your legs and praying for a reason to stop. However, considering the Cybertruck is next in line for production, and its delivery date gets pushed back about once a quarter, we don't have much hope for seeing a new Roadster in the first half of the 2020s. —Andrew Krok
58. Toyota Tacoma EV (Expected: 2024)
2024 toyota tacoma electric pickupTOYOTA
A new generation of the Toyota Tacoma mid-size pickup is on its way, and all signs point to it offering both a hybrid variant and a battery-electric spinoff. Toyota showed a whole range of EV concepts in 2021, and the electric pickup concept you see has the exact right size, shape, and attitude that we're sure it previews the electric Tacoma that could arrive as soon as next year. With a four-door crew cab, a short bed, and chunky all-terrain tires, it looks to adopt the same rugged mindset as the current Tacoma TRD Pro models albeit with a completely different powertrain setup underneath. —Joey Capparella
59. VinFast VF8 and VF9 (Expected: 2023)
vinfast future electric vehicleMORE INFOVINFAST
VinFast has been selling cars in its home country of Vietnam since 2019, and finally got its expansion into the United States underway this year, delivering the first 45 units of its City Edition VF8 crossovers to customers in March. The VF8 is currently only offered in California, and has a measly 207 miles of range in its most efficient configuration. A larger VF9 crossover is supposed to follow, with a 402-hp dual-motor setup and up to 369 miles of range, according to VinFast. The company plans to start building cars at a as-yet-unbuilt plant in North Carolina have been delayed to 2025. —Caleb Miller
60. Volkswagen ID.7 (Expected: 2024)
2025 volkswagen id7VOLKSWAGEN
Despite Americans turning away from sedans, Volkswagen bucks the trend with the upcoming ID.7. The four-door EV effectively replaces the Passat and arrives with a single-motor, rear-wheel-drive configuration good for 282 hp. The 77.0-kWh battery pack—borrowed from the ID.4 crossover—should reward the ID.7 with around 300 miles of range. A bigger battery offered in other markets could come to the U.S. on a future all-wheel-drive model. The fairly standard sedan design actually hides a practical hatchback, and the cabin includes a huge 15.0-inch touchscreen and an augmented-reality head-up display. —Caleb Miller
61. Volkswagen ID.Buzz (Expected: Summer 2024)
2025 volkswagen id buzzVOLKSWAGEN
The VW ID.Buzz, which harkens back to the classic Type 2 Microbus from the '50s and '60s, has already been on sale in Europe for a year, but U.S. customers will have to wait until June 2024 to get their hands on the chic electric van. The U.S.-spec ID.Buzz is longer, packing a third row of seating, and comes standard with the same 282-hp rear-drive powertrain as the ID.7. The dual-motor, all-wheel-drive version brings 330 hp. The 86.0 kWh should give the ID.Buzz around 260 miles of range, and the ID.Buzz pairs the smooth, retro exterior with a clean, airy cabin. —Caleb Miller
62. Volkswagen ID.Space Vizzion (Expected: 2024)
volkswagen id space vizzion conceptVIEW PHOTOSVOLKSWAGEN
The Volkswagen I.D. Space Vizzion concept made its debut at the Los Angeles Auto Show, where it looked very production ready. It will be VW's third U.S. EV offering, arriving before the middle of the decade. Although wagons are a perpetually tough sell in the U.S., VW touts its large interior and high aerodynamic efficiency, which help to boost the large wagon's range to a claimed 300 miles. —Dave VanderWerp
63. Volvo EX30 (Expected: Summer 2024)
2025 volvo ex30VOLVO
The upcoming Volvo EX30 exemplifies the sustainable spirit of EVs in a way most can't muster. Smaller and cheaper than Volvo's other sub-compact electric SUVs, the XC40 Recharge and C40 Recharge, the EX30's attractive cabin is adorned with eco-friendly upholstery options, from wool-blend fabrics to recycled denim. The EX30 comes with two powertrains: a single-motor rear-wheel-drive option with 268 horsepower and 253 pound-feet of torque or a dual-motor all-wheel-drive variant with a combined 422 horses and 400 pound-feet. A 64.0-kWh battery provides the juice no matter the motor configuration. Volvo says the single-motor car will be good for 275 miles, with the extra motor reducing range by 10 miles. —Jack Fitzgerald
64. Volvo XC60 (Expected: 2024)
volvo northvolt future evVOLVO
The third generation of Volvo's compact crossover is set to begin production in 2024 and is expected to retain the XC60 moniker. Volvo has implied that the next XC60 will be offered only as an EV, and it will be the first car to utilize battery cells developed through a joint venture with Swedish battery maker Northvolt. This technology will emerge from a research and development center in Sweden that Volvo and Northvolt plan to have operational by 2022. The partnership will also lead to a gigafactory in Europe to produce batteries starting in 2026, although the initial battery allocation for the XC60 EV will come from an existing Northvolt plant in Sweden. The new electric XC60 will be part of Volvo's push to have EVs make up half of its sales by 2025 and transition to a fully electric lineup by 2030. —Austin Irwin
65. Volvo EX90 (Expected: 2024)
2024 volvo ex90VOLVO
The EX90, Volvo's first EV designed from the ground up, provides the first look at the future of the Swedish brand. All EX90s will come with a dual-motor all-wheel-drive powertrain, with 402 horsepower in the entry-level model or 496 horsepower in the Twin Motor Performance variant. The styling is inspired by the Concept Recharge, with Volvo's distinctive "Thor's Hammer" headlights. As always, safety is a primary concern for the brand, with Volvo promising it will their safest car yet. The EX90 uses a 400-volt architecture, targeting a range of up to 300 miles. A 250.0-kWh connection allows the EX90 to charge from 10 to 80 percent in approximately 30 minutes. The electric EX90 will likely carry a price premium over the gas-powered XC90, with more details arriving before it goes on sale in 2024. —Jack Fitzgerald
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